January 2025
Can you identify anyone in the picture??
We have in our collection this wonderful picture taken at RAF Bawdsey in 1989, two years before the station closed. As part of our Bawdsey Radar Connections project, we are hoping to identify those in the picture – we have so far identified 12 people out of 63 so we have some way to go! If you can give us information about anyone in the picture, please get in touch! There are two photographs below- one is the actual picture and the second is an outline image with the people numbered. This may help if you can identify anyone when supplying details.
The Bawdsey Radar Connections project aims to collect information about those served, trained and worked at the site between 1936 and 1991. As no single list of the personnel at RAF Bawdsey was ever produced, Connections is being compiled from information in official sources, publications and, most importantly, stories provided by those who served at the site, as well as their former colleagues and families. The database can be searched here: https://www.bawdseyradar.org.uk/search-bawdsey-connections/
The database is by no means complete, and we’d be keen to hear about anyone who should be added. If you have any information you would like to add, please fill out the form on the link here: https://www.bawdseyradar.org.uk/add-a-new-bawdsey-connection/

Outline image