December 2023

Twelve Days of Radar – Day Five

Entertainment at Bawdsey Part 2 –

For our latest instalment of our Twelve Days of Bawdsey, we are continuing sharing stories about recreation at RAF Bawdsey.

The station had a theatre club which frequently staged plays at the site, with the Commanding Officer’s permission, of course!

Productions included ‘See How They Run’ and ‘On Monday Next’. On this very night, 70 years ago, a production of ‘The Friends of Valerie Lane’ and ‘Still Night’ was held at RAF Bawdsey.

Cards detailing the cast of each production have kindly been donated to Bawdsey Radar by Betty Mitchell, a senior aircraftwoman at the station during the Cold War. These offer fantastic insights into the daily lives of the men and women who lived and worked at RAF Bawdsey.



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Twelve Days of Radar – Day Five