July 2024

‘Radar and Its role in D-Day’ Talks Day

Join us on July 24th for a Talks Day


Three 30-minute talks followed by a Q&A. There will be an opportunity to have a look around the museum after the talks, as well as have conversations with the experts about all things radar!  Tea and coffee included.

2024 marks 80 years since the momentous landings on the Normandy coast as part of Operation Overlord, also known as D-Day. Radar played a decisive, yet little known, role in the successful outcome of the landings on the Normandy coast. To commemorate this, Bawdsey Radar are holding a Talks Day exploring the importance of radar in the successful outcome of the D-Day landings. Come along to hear more from the experts about radar at Bawdsey and the role of radar in Operation Overlord.

Ticket ONLY event. Book tickets here   Door opens at 10am, talks begin at 10.30am


‘The Eyes of the Few’

Bawdsey Radar’s own Graham Murchie will be giving an in-depth look at the development of radar at Bawdsey that became known as ‘the eyes of the few’, enabling the outnumbered RAF to effectively combat the Luftwaffe.

‘D-Day Deceptions with Radar’

Graham Randall will be exploring the little-known role of radar in the D-Day landings of 6th June 1944, 80 years ago this year. 160,000 men, 8,000 ships and 11,000 aircraft were involved in D-Day, the largest seaborne invasion force in history.

This huge force would be visible on German radar, so the allied planners needed a way to deceive the Germans to get as many of those troops as possible safely ashore and delay the inevitable counter-attack. It is here that radar played a significant role.

‘Radar and the Battle of the Atlantic’

Radar historian Dr Phil Judkins will talk about how ground based radar was developed in the mid to late 1930s but more was needed. He will include the history of airborne radar covering both Air Interception and, more particularly, Air to Surface Vessel radar. It explains how radar was vital in detecting U Boats and, as a result, enabled the Allies to win the Battle of the Atlantic. 

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‘Radar and Its role in D-Day’ Talks Day